How to get to the vallorbe caves

By car, by bus, by train or on foot...

There is a 10-minute walk from the car park to the Cave entrance.

Click on the map icon for details and directions


Grottes de Vallorbe SA Chemin de la Résurgence 1 1337 – Vallorbe Switzerland

GPS coordinates

516.643 / 172.858

Bus line 613

Grottes de Vallorbe ↔ Le Day ↔ Yverdon-les-Bains

the 613 bus will take you from Le Day station to the Vallorbe Caves.

Departure every H:48 minutes from Le Day station to the Vallorbe Caves, and every H:01 minutes from the Vallorbe Caves to Le Day station. 

To check the timetable and to buy tickets, please contact the TRAVYS sales points or directly online at


There are several hiking paths in the area.

From Vallorbe station you can follow the Orbe and see fish farming and the beautiful countryside. Above the caves a steeper path will lead you…

Discover the routes

The Railaway offer

For groups and student outings

Take advantage of the rail + caves package at a discounted price.

See the offer